Tackle the Full Simulation Lifecycle With CMB

The Computational Model Builder (CMB) leverages several powerful open-source tools and integrates them into an application framework that can be readily adapted to specific problem domains. CMB pulls the together tools and simulation codes such as Open-Cascade, Nek5000, Hydra-TH, DAKOTA, PHASTA, ParaView, MOAB, Albany, and MeshKit into a cohesive, end-to-end framework. This application framework approach allows scientists and engineers to focus on their domain expertise rather than worrying about the integration of disparate software and simulation codes. CMB is part of Kitware’s collection of commercially supported open-source platforms for software development.

CMB News

CMB: The Tool You Need to Efficiently Build Your Simulation Workflows

CMB: The Tool You Need to Efficiently Build Your Simulation Workflows

Building simulation workflows can be complicated. Trying to find and connect different tools to get the results you’re looking for can be inefficient, error-prone and take up valuable resources, including time and money. To make matters worse, sharing and deploying these workflows to fellow engineers, researchers, and academics tend to involve relying on hand written notes and scripts that can be difficult to follow and maintain.

Announcing the Release of SMTK 24.01

Announcing the Release of SMTK 24.01

It’s been quite a while since the last release of SMTK and we wanted to start off 2024 with a feature packed release which includes the following improvements: Important SMTK Core Changes The changes in this section have a widespread impact on SMTK. Type Hierarchy Reflection SMTK has long provided introspection functionality for classes such […]

Supercomputing 2023

Supercomputing 2023

The theme for SC23, “I Am HPC,” is fitting for Kitware because we’ve been a part of the HPC community for more than two decades. From the early days at Kitware when we were developing VTK to building software that thrives on the world’s most powerful computers today, scientific visualization is a critical part of who we are as a company.

Summer/Fall 2023 Training Courses

Summer/Fall 2023 Training Courses

Kitware is hosting live training courses for our popular open source platforms. Our courses are taught by Kitware’s software R&D experts who champion these platforms. They mix theory and application with a set of tutorials and exercises. If you are interested in taking one of our upcoming courses, register now to take advantage of our […]

Source: www.kitware.com

Kitware Platforms

CMake 3.30.1 available for download

CMake 3.30.1 available for download

CMake 3.30.1 available for download

CMake 3.29.7 available for download

CMake 3.29.7 available for download

CMake 3.29.7 available for download

Reducing the temporal impact of loading plugins in ParaView

Reducing the temporal impact of loading plugins in ParaView

Using delayed load plugins Loading a ParaView plugin can take some time, up to a few seconds for the biggest of plugins. If you use autoload for many of your plugins, especially big ones, you pay the loading time everytime you open ParaView, delaying the opening of ParaView by crucial seconds. What if there was […]

CMake 3.30.0 available for download

CMake 3.30.0 available for download

CMake 3.30.0 available for download

NimbusImage: an open-source image analysis platform for researchers in the life sciences

NimbusImage: an open-source image analysis platform for researchers in the life sciences

Introducing NimbusImage, a platform to empower scientists to analyze their image data and spend their time making discoveries rather than struggling to process their datasets.

Source: www.kitware.com
Download the latest release of CMB
Develop input models for computational simulations with ModelBuilder
Represent geometric models and meshes with SMTK
Get support or consulting service for CMB